Term Time Classes

  • children in a lesson

    Finding Voices

    6 - 8 yrs

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What do we do?

Our small classes help children to normalise speaking with others. We build confidence in a fun, comfortable environment and give pupils the individual attention they need to learn key skills in speaking and performance.

All pupils prepare for optional LAMDA exams. We are a registered examination centre holding private face to face and online sessions annually.

What are you waiting for? Sign your child up to a class today and help them to communicate with friends now and colleagues in the future. Teach them to sell, educate, and inspire others so they can be a better communicator, for life.

How can you join?

Children develop vocal and physical expression to engage, excite, sell, educate and inspire!

Our Classes are just as much for aspiring performers as for those seeking to boost public speaking skills and confidence.

LAMDA exams help children prepare and receive structured feedback. They also help to normalise speaking in front of strangers and not fear public speaking or performance.

Exams We Prepare For:

Gain UCAS points at Grades 6-8 (Bronze, Silver & Gold)

Classes can also support the Duke of Edinburgh Award

Public Speaking

Performance Skills

Manage Nerves

Have Fun

  • I saw him grow in confidence so much over the weeks. As today’s call ended he said, “that was so good”

    Chetna, Online Classes

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Term Dates

Spring (11 weeks) Mon 13th Jan - Fri 4th April (no classes17th -21st Feb)

Summer (11 weeks) Mon 28th April - Fri 18th July (no classes 26th-30th May)